Monday, April 29, 2024

Dumbledore family Fandom

what house was dumbledore in

The wand-maker Garrick Ollivander and the divination professor Sybill Trelawney were both members of the house during their time at Hogwarts, but Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood would prove to be the most important Ravenclaws during the series. Cho was a member of Dumbledore's Army who fought in the Battle of Hogwarts after her graduation. She briefly dated both Cedric and Harry until her fellow Ravenclaw, Marietta Edgecombe, betrayed the DA by revealing their meeting location in the Room of Requirement.

'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' Proves Dumbledore Is a Sociopath - Collider

'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' Proves Dumbledore Is a Sociopath.

Posted: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Helga Hufflepuff

Despite all evidence to the contrary, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge refused to believe that Lord Voldemort had returned to power and had Crouch subjected to the Dementor's Kiss before he could be forced to stand trial before the Wizengamot. Despite this, Dumbledore knew that Voldemort's return was real and, in response to Fudge's failure to act, reformed the Order of the Phoenix, an alliance bought together during the First Wizarding War to fight against Voldemort and his followers. When Remus Lupin became of age to attend Hogwarts, he was afraid that he would be unable to due to being infected by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. However, Dumbledore, being fair, believed that as long as special precautions were taken, there was no reason why Remus should be deprived of his education. As such, Dumbledore prepared the Shrieking Shack as a place for Remus' monthly transformation, with the Whomping Willow as guard. This would forever earn Dumbledore Remus' gratitude, as many other headmasters would simply forbid the boy from even setting foot into the school.

Power and Abilities

what house was dumbledore in

It was his desire to exclude Muggle-born students from Hogwarts that eventually forced him to leave, ended his friendship with Godric, and created the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor that lasts to the present day. Gryffindor was praised and honored for its lengthy, involved role in the defeat of Voldemort and the achievements of its many students, and thus it remains one of the most respected houses at the school. In the latter half of the 2010s, many of the series' main characters began sending their children to the school, and James Potter II, Lily L. Potter, and Rose Granger-Weasley were all sorted into the house. As Riddle's teacher, Dumbledore was never charmed by him and saw his true nature. Their teacher-student relationship was cordial but evidently strained, with Riddle and Dumbledore being cautious around each other. Dumbledore felt uneasy about Riddle's request to become a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts and did not want Riddle back at Hogwarts in a position of power.

Dark Creatures

Dumbledore chose to reform the Order as he feared that the start of the Second Wizarding War was lingering and inevitable to happen. This may have shown an unprofessional amount of bias towards Gryffindor to announce their win in such unusual circumstances. Aberforth was the middle child of Kendra and Percival, younger brother to Albus and older brother to Ariana. He was owner of the Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade and kept a much lower profile than his older brother – with whom things were rather strained.

Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Wands

Each Hogwarts Professor And Which House They Belonged To - imdb

Each Hogwarts Professor And Which House They Belonged To.

Posted: Tue, 03 Oct 2023 11:57:14 GMT [source]

Gryffindor was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was founded by Godric Gryffindor. Gryffindor instructed the Sorting Hat to choose students possessing characteristics he most valued, such as courage, chivalry, nerve and determination,[6] to be sorted into his house. It’s not hinted at much in the books, but Grindelwald managed to turn a 17-year-old Dumbledore onto the idea of wizards ruling Muggles for the greater good.

Harry Potter: Dumbledore’s Destruction of the Ring

Dumbledore, Snape and Minerva McGonagall quickly overpowered the Death Eater, who revealed the entirety of Voldemort's plan under the influence of Veritaserum. When Harry and fellow champion Cedric Diggory touched the trophy at the same time they were transported to the graveyard of Little Hangleton. There, Diggory was killed on the orders of Lord Voldemort, and Harry's blood was taken as the final ingredient in a potion the Dark Lord used to return to full power. Dumbledore, who likely already knew by then that a part of Voldemort's soul had concealed itself within Harry, made sure that Harry would be kept safe with his family, the Dursleys, as his spells ensured that Voldemort could not harm Harry there as long as he could have a home with them. However, he also hoped to mould Harry into such a person who would willingly sacrifice his life for the greater good, allowing him the chance to choose between life and death in the end. After Lord Voldemort started his first rise to power in 1970, Dumbledore founded the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization of witches and wizards willing to risk their lives to fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters.


Dumbledore then returned to Hogwarts intending to keep an eye upon Tom Riddle, as he was alone and friendless, a dangerous situation. Dumbledore also approved of Grindelwald's desire to find the Deathly Hallows, but for different reasons. Rather than seeking their power, Dumbledore at the time sought them in a misguided attempt to restore his family, seeking the Invisibility Cloak to hide Ariana and the Resurrection Stone to return his parents to live and not only relieve himself of the burdens his family was posing on him but also reunite them all. Despite the differences in reasoning, Dumbledore and Grindelwald had at the time resolved to work side-by-side to fulfill the dream of wizarding supremacy and to ensure there would be no rift or betrayal between them, they made a blood pact to never fight each other. Albus Dumbledore first met Gellert Grindelwald at a rather difficult time in his life, when he was seventeen years old.

Dumbledore is highly perceptive and emotionally intelligent; his knowledge of a person's true personality goes beyond simply being a good judge of character. This is never more apparent than in his complex insights into Voldemort's psyche, which he pieces together with Harry to deduce where Voldemort's horcruxes are hidden. When Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore is not enraged, but remains calm; simply asking Harry whether he had himself or had asked an older student to submit his name (although in the film version he does get angry to the point of manhandling Harry).

Albus Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore was tall and thin, with silver hair and beard (auburn in his youth) so long that they could be tucked into his belt. He had a very long and crooked nose that looked as if it had been broken at least twice. (It is speculated that his brother's punch during their sister's funeral may have played a role in shaping his nose.) He was also said to have long and skillful fingers. His eyes were described to be a brilliant, soul-piercing shade of blue, and usually twinkled with kindness and mischief.

They were the ones who founded "Dumbledore's Army," a secret, underground, student-led organization that practiced combat magic and formed a resistance that opposed the likes of Dolores Umbridge and that fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. It was Neville Longbottom who led the charge while wielding the Sword of Gryffindor, and it was Harry Potter who finally destroyed Voldemort once and for all. I’m a writer immersed in the world of superheroes, anime, and all things magical. My passion is to bring these fantastical elements to life through my words, captivating readers with each story I tell. Additionally, Dumbledore’s interactions with students from different houses displayed his belief in the potential and goodness in every individual.

Dumbledore was not a deliberately cruel man, but at times he was too far-sighted, making choices that he believed to be for the benefit of humanity even if it deeply hurt some of the people around him. Though his tendency towards this type of behavior decreased with age, he ruthlessly and manipulatively took advantage of Severus Snape's emotions. When he became genuinely angry, however, Dumbledore would transform from a benign-looking, bright-eyed old man into a wizard even more terrifying than Lord Voldemort himself, with a face that was a classic portrait of cold fury and an aura of power that made him seem as if he was giving off burning heat. Indeed, Harry had - after witnessing a rare moment of Dumbledore's furious rage - confessed to fully understanding why people always said that Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort had ever feared.

His hand was left with a substantial black mark which was dead-looking and could not be healed. Dumbledore did all these to prepare Harry for what he was going to face in his life. Rowling stated that Dumbledore was homosexual and therefore failed to find love in the movie. She elaborated further, saying that it was the reason behind his flirting with muggles’ wizard domination. In the story, he was also the leader and founder of an organization fighting against Lord Voldemort. He was portrayed as a wise man who knows about Harry Potter and the much he was expected to learn.

He was the wielder and the master of the Elder Wand from 1945 until 1997 and considered by many as the greatest Headmaster to ever grace Hogwarts. As he was about to die by a cursed ring, he planned his own death with Severus Snape. Though he was no longer alive at the time, it was through Dumbledore's machinations that Voldemort was ultimately defeated and peace restored to the wizarding world. When Dumbledore and his friend Elphias Doge leave Hogwarts at the age of 18, they plan to take their "then-traditional" tour of the world.

Of all the houses, Slytherin had the most turbulent journey to take after the Battle of Hogwarts. The house was hated for a number of years for the role it had played in the Second Wizarding War, but it would eventually emerge the better for it. Rowena founded her house on the simple assertion that the primary focus of a Hogwarts student should be education and intelligence. Thus, she selected the students who were the most curious, creative, witty, and clever to join her house, one of whom was Ignatia Wildsmith, the inventor of Floo Powder.

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Dumbledore family Fandom

Table Of Content Helga Hufflepuff Power and Abilities Dark Creatures Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Wands Severus Snape The wand-maker ...