Monday, April 29, 2024

What House Was Hagrid in Before He Got Expelled?

what house was hagrid in

As one of the most strict professors at Hogwarts, McGonagall sometimes disapproved of Hagrid's lack of refined behaviour, especially during the Sorting ceremony. However, they were close friends and fellow members of the Order of the Phoenix in both wars. Hagrid would have known Remus Lupin for about as long as he knew the Potters and Sirius Black, though they did not appear to be particularly close until 1993 when Lupin was appointed Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, and they became co-workers. Hagrid knew them very well and conveyed the truth about them to their son, who had been lead to believe insulting lies about them and their deaths, restoring and preserving their legacy in their son. Hagrid also kept a leather-bound family album of them which he gave to Harry, which Hagrid came into possession of through unknown circumstances, but might have been entrusted to him by Lily and James to give to their son.

what house was hagrid in

Weasley family

Hagrid disliked Gilderoy Lockhart, as did the other teachers, due to him being an annoyingly obnoxious and an incompetent teacher. Hagrid did not read any of Lockhart's books, rejected his ideas of Harry trying to hog the spotlight, and openly criticised him, something that he would normally not do to a teacher. Hagrid was disgusted and outraged when McGonagall got stunned to the point that he attacked the Ministry officials who injured her, furiously denouncing them as cowards. When James and Lily discovered they were Voldemort's next targets, they went into to hiding with the use of the Fidelius Charm; Peter Pettigrew had been made their Secret-Keeper, unbeknownst to anyone else, and betrayed the Potters to Voldemort, framing Sirius for the crime.


Could there be any better person to introduce Harry to the wizarding world than Hagrid? We first knew Hagrid was important when we saw him drop baby Harry off at the Dursleys’. Dumbledore stated he’d trust Hagrid with his life, despite Professor McGonagall questioning Hagrid’s abilities. Sure enough, when it came to fetching Harry, it was Hagrid on a flying motorbike that Dumbledore trusted. Rubeus Hagrid may have been intimidating physically - he was of course, half-man, half-giant - but he was also soft-hearted, especially when it came to looking after the beasts of Hogwarts. From monstrous spiders to feathered Hippogriffs, majestic unicorns and Blast-Ended-Skrewts, there was nothing too creepy or crawly that didn't have a place in Hagrid’s heart.

The History Of Every Hogwarts House Explained

Harry Potter: Why Hagrid Should've Been a Hufflepuff - CBR

Harry Potter: Why Hagrid Should've Been a Hufflepuff.

Posted: Thu, 02 Sep 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Hagrid gazes longingly at the dragon eggs in the enclosure, wanting one for himself. Hagrid takes Harry to a bustling Muggle street in London, where they enter the Leaky Cauldron pub. He tells Tom, the barman, that he is there on official Hogwarts business, clapping Harry on the shoulder. Hagrid beams as those in the pub greet Harry, and introduces him to Professor Quirrell. He leads Harry to a walled courtyard at the back of the Leaky Cauldron, and uses his umbrella to tap a brick in the wall, making the entrance to Diagon Alley reveal itself. Hagrid’s Hogwarts house is never mentioned in the books, but, given his kindness, noble nature and bravery, it might not come as that much of a surprise that Hagrid was in Gryffindor.

First Wizarding War (1970–

Fang came to his master's aid until one of the wizards Stunned him, prompting Hagrid to lift the culprit bodily from the ground and throw the unfortunate soul ten feet away. Voldemort's first reign of terror lasted years and turned friends against each other. It was said that during this time it was difficult to trust one another, as you did not know for sure who had gone over to the dark side, partly due to the Death Eaters' access to the Imperius Curse. The Order worked with the Ministry to oppose the Dark Lord and his followers, even allowing Aurors the use of Unforgivable Curses. Voldemort also had a number of magical dark creatures under his command as well, such as giants.

As Hagrid was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he disliked the Death Eaters and tried to thwart their plans most of the time. The Death Eaters whom Hagrid knew the most were Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco, clashing with Lucius before he was put in Azkaban, and had clashes with Draco while he taught Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid was sent by Albus Dumbledore to inform Harry Potter of his true identity on Harry's eleventh birthday in 1991 after it was revealed that Hogwarts's letters to him were getting blocked by his aunt and uncle, Vernon and Petunia Dursley, both Muggles who hated and feared magic. When a student released two Nifflers in her office, following Headmaster Dumbledore's departure from the school, she blamed Hagrid, although he had a rock solid alibi.

More about Hagrid on the Wizarding World

Of course, we know (a little) about his pink umbrella, his love of all (literally any) animals, and also his ability to see the best in people, but there are many more layers to Hagrid than all that. So, to reacquaint ourselves with the different facets of Hogwarts’ Keeper of the Keys, here are some facts you might not know about Hagrid. Plus, Riddle was a prefect, meaning he roamed the hallways a lot when other students had to remain in their common rooms. Hagrid had a lot of creatures to take care of and would probably often sneak around a lot. Perhaps Tom could’ve met him that way, and instead of reprimanding him, used him as a scapegoat for his undoings.

For Hagrid, Finding His First Ever Home Was Nothing Short of Magic - ASPCA

For Hagrid, Finding His First Ever Home Was Nothing Short of Magic.

Posted: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

He tells Harry that he has something to show him; there is an air of excitement about Hagrid as he prepares to leave the cabin. He tells Harry to keep quiet and to keep himself covered with the Invisibility Cloak. Hagrid strides over to the Beauxbatons carriage to fetch Madame Maxime, and escorts the Beauxbatons Headmistress around the edge of the Forbidden Forest to the dragon enclosure, followed by Harry. He excitedly asks Madame Maxime if she wants to take a closer look at the dragons, and moves right up to the fence. Hagrid greets Charlie Weasley, and asks him about the four dragons in the enclosure. He gazes, enraptured, at the dragons, unconcerned that Maxime is likely to tell her champion, Fleur Delacour, about the creatures.

J.K. Rowling always planned for Hagrid to carry Harry out of the Forbidden Forest at the end of Deathly Hallows

In 1995, after his resurrection, Voldemort dispatched his Death Eaters to convince the giants to join their side, while Dumbledore had sent Hagrid and Olympe Maxime to do the same. While Hagrid and Maxime were on good terms with the Gurg, Karkus, the Death Eaters supported the giant Golgomath in an uprising that resulted in Golgomath beheading Karkus and taking over the giant colony. Suffice it to say, were it not for Hagrid, Harry could have ended up a profoundly different person. He often wore an exceptionally large moleskin overcoat with several pockets that held many things, though that sometimes caused him to spend a lot of time searching for what he wanted to find. Hagrid's clothing is largely hand-made due to the descriptions of his clothing as being crafted of animal skin and far too large for a full-blooded or non-hybridised human being. When fighting resumed at the arrival of reinforcements, which included Buckbeak and Hagrid's herd of tame Thestrals, as well as the centaurs he had scolded earlier, Hagrid couldn't find Harry, as he used the Invisibility Cloak during the confusion.

what house was hagrid in

He was also pretty good at screaming at Uncle Vernon for trying to ‘stamp’ the magic out of him. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Grawp, Hagrid, and Fang go into hiding after Hagrid throws a "Support Harry Potter" party and it is implied that Grawp helped them all escape. He is the only giant fighting on the good wizards' side in the Battle of Hogwarts, probably in an attempt to protect Hagrid, as he frequently calls his name while fighting the giants on the Death Eaters' side. Grawp participates in the victory celebration over Voldemort's defeat (albeit from a window, since he is too big to fit into the hall), and the Hogwarts students show their appreciation by tossing food into his laughing mouth. However, despite Hagrid's mixed relationship with them, most of the students with the exception of Slytherin opposed Dolores Umbridge alongside Hagrid and disapproved of Umbridge's harsh and critical treatment of Hagrid due to her prejudice against part-humans.

As beloved of a character as Hagrid is, it simply would not make sense for him to appear in Hogwarts Legacy. Even Dumbledore wasn’t born yet in the time of this game, so unless the writers wanted to force in some very convoluted way for him to travel through time, it is best that he isn’t here. With the game taking place so far in the past, from what we know, it allows many original characters and stories to be made. A two-car garage stands across the central courtyard from the main house while a detached guest house, or home office, is tucked away from the main house, at the bottom of a sloping lawn. The backyard also includes a stone terrace with a freeform pool and spa, images of the home show. Of all the houses, Slytherin had the most turbulent journey to take after the Battle of Hogwarts.

It was only later revealed that Aragog and Hagrid were never responsible for the attacks – it was Riddle who opened the Chamber. However, some fans reiterated that they believe Hagrid was actually in Slytherin, as they found some insinuations in the books that could point in that direction. Regardless of what we choose to believe, the facts remain the same – Hagrid was in Gryffindor before being expelled, as Rowling confirmed.

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